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Catalonia BristolSpain

Catalonia Bristol Catalonia Bristol Catalonia Bristol


Via de L’Esport, 4 | 08740 Sant Andreu de la Barca. Barcelona


The Hotel Catalonia Bristol is in the center of Sant Andreu de la Barca, in the commercial and industrial heart of Baix Llobregat, and is surrounded by a wide range of different establishments.

Nearby places of interest

The hotel has a direct train connection to Fira Europa (32 min.) and Plaza España in Barcelona (38 min.) with trains arriving every 9 minutes. The station is 500 yards from the complex. Buses run from a stop in front of the Hotel Catalonia Bristol to Plaza Francesc Macià in Barcelona and depart roughly every 50 minutes.

The historical center of Sant Andreu de la Barca features interesting monuments such as the parish church and the bell tower. You can also visit various 15th century manor houses like Can Preses and Can Archs. The city is full of modernist houses, especially on Calle Joan Bosch in the old town, all accessible on foot. Other places of interest include the Plaza de Charly Rivell, the fuente de la Rana (Frog Fountain), the ice well and the Albereda de Castelao.

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