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Catalonia Bavaro ResortDominican Republic

Catalonia Bavaro Resort Catalonia Bavaro Resort Catalonia Bavaro Resort Catalonia Bavaro Resort Catalonia Bavaro Resort


Cabeza de Toro Punta Cana
Higüey, República Dominicana


Located in Bávaro (Punta Cana), one of the best beach areas in the Dominican Republic, 20 km (15 minutes) away from Punta Cana airport, 45 km (35 minutes) away from Higüey, the province’s largest city, and 185 km (2 hours 15 minutes) away from the Las Américas International Airport in Santo Domingo.

Nearby places of interest:

Santo Domingo, the oldest city in the New World, where the settlement of the American cultures began.

Catalina Island and Saona Island, small coastal islands with incredible coral reefs for snorkeling and scuba diving.

Close to Manatí Theme Park, a place focused on nature, animals and the history of the Dominican Republic.

ubicacion catalonia punta cana

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