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Catalonia BayahibeDominican Republic

Catalonia Bayahibe Catalonia Bayahibe Catalonia Bayahibe Catalonia Bayahibe Catalonia Bayahibe

Reserve sem preocupações e com o melhor preço garantido



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Playa Bayahibe - La Romana 
Bayahibe, República Dominicana


Located on one of the most spectacular palm-lined beaches in the Dominican Republic, Catalonia Bayahibe is an all-inclusive resort. Located 120 km (1 hour 30 minutes) away from Las Américas International Airport in Santo Domingo, 20 km (20 minutes) away from La Romana International Airport, and 98 km (45 minutes) from Punta Cana International Airport.

Nearby places of interest

  • 4.5 km (5 minutes) away from the small fishing village of Bayahibe 
  • Close to the National Park of the East, home to the island's first inhabitants 
  • Only 30 minutes by boat from the virgin islands of Saona and Catalina 
  • 33 km (25 minutes) from the famous artistic center of Altos de Chavón

ubicacion catalonia gran dominicus

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